Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2009 after 2 DUI convictions. She hired an attorney to represent her before the Secretary of State and lost. She came to me and we appealed the Secretary of State’s decision and won. She was granted a restricted license with an interlock through the Wayne County Circuit Court. 1 year later, we applied for full privileges.
RESULT: Client was granted a full license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2012 after 3 DUI convictions. He made the decision to become sober after the birth of his son and has been sober since 2014. He attends AA weekly and works the 12 steps.
: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
restricted License / ignition interlock
Client was on a restricted license with an interlock device and received a positive reading on his interlock device. He continued to provide breath samples into his interlock device, which on his report showed each attempt that resumed to 0% rapidly. He also, went and got an ETG within 24 hours of the positive reading. During the violation hearing, the client was able to prove that he had not consumed any alcohol.
Result: The original Department of State action of revocation was modified and his restricted license was approved.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2007 after 2 DUI convictions. Client testified that he had not consumed alcohol since his second DUI offense in 2007 and his motivation to stay sober was because he didn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps. Client submitted supporting testimonial letters and was attending AA.
Result: Client was granted a FULL license at the first hearing.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2007 after 2 DUI convictions. Client had previously been granted a restricted license with an interlock device, but his revoked status was reinstated following multiple BAC readings on his interlock device. For this hearing, his prior records were ordered in order to prepare for a new hearing. Client is sober and attending AA. We were able to provide evidence that his alcohol dependence was under control and likely to remain under control.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2015 after 2 DUI convictions. He has been sober since his second conviction in 2015. While he does not attend AA, he does have a strong support system in his family and friends. He was given an excellent prognosis for continued abstinence from alcohol.
Result. Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
restricted License / ignition interlock
Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device and had the device installed for over 365 days. He contacted me to prepare for his full hearing and while we were gathering documents, he received an interlock violation in the mail for a major violation of tampering. We filed a notice of appeal for the interlock violation and included the required documentation to ask for full privileges during the same hearing. It is completely in the discretion of the hearing officer to hear both the case on the interlock violation and full privileges and of course, you have to overcome the violation before that is even a possibility. Fortunately, we were able to prove that the tampering was simply the result of a bad connection with the device and the client had provided 0% breath samples immediately preceding and following the tampering violation. The violation was easily set aside and the hearing officer heard our case of asking for full privileges.
Result: Interlock violation was set aside and client was granted a full license.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2003 after 2 DUI convictions. Client was eligible to apply for a driver’s license hearing but had been putting it off for years. He was still driving without a valid license and was arrested for driving on a revoked license. If the client would have been convicted of this offense, he would no longer be eligible to apply for a driver’s license hearing and would have to wait the 1-year revocation period. We were able to get him a plea deal that would not affect his eligibility date and we immediately applied for a driver’s license hearing.
Result: Client was able to apply for a driver’s license hearing and was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device. He no longer has to drive around looking over his should when he sees a cop.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2013 after 3 DUI convictions. She also had several MIP convictions from when she was younger. Client waited the 5-year revocation period and was ready to apply for driving privileges. Client had been sober since her third arrest in 2013 and had been attending AA regularly. She provided a favorable substance use evaluation with an excellent prognosis and letters to support her sobriety.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2001 after his second DUI conviction. He was previously granted driving privileges in 2010, but his revocation was reinstated after he relapsed and had failed alcohol readings on his interlock device. For this hearing, his prior records were ordered in order to prepare for a new hearing. Client has been sober since his relapse and regularly attending AA and working the 12 steps with a sponsor. In 2018, we prepared for his hearing and was able to show that the client had been sober for 8 years and had a relapse prevention system in place.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2014 after 2 DUI convictions. Client had successfully completed sobriety court in 2015, but continued to drive with the interlock in his vehicle. In 2019, the client received an interlock violation in the mail. The client had not consumed alcohol since his last arrest in 2014 and was frustrated because he kept experiencing issues with the interlock device. The device actually caught the wires under his dashboard on fire and that resulted in the violation! The client was eligible to apply in 2015 to have the device removed and had the last straw. He contacted me in 2019 to fight the interlock violation and apply to have the device removed. We filed to appeal the interlock violation and also included all required documentation to ask for full privileges. While it is completely in the discretion of the hearing officer to hear both during the same hearing, we were fortunate that the hearing officer readily set aside the violation and heard our case asking for full privileges.
Result: Interlock violation was set aside and client was granted a full license.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2003 after 2 DUI convictions. This client had tried to obtain driving privileges without an attorney in 2006 and 2013 and was denied both times. For this hearing, his prior records had to be ordered to understand why he continued to get denied. After reviewing those records, it was apparent why he was getting denied. While he was sober, he wasn’t providing the required documentation to support his testimony. At the hearing, were able to prove that he was sober and provide the State with all the supporting documentation required.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2007 after 2 DUI convictions. This client had previously been granted a restricted license in 2013, but those privileges were lost in 2015 after the State received a report of several positive readings on his interlock report. Client came to me seeking to appeal the violation. He had proof that he was out of town and that his vehicle was in Michigan. His son testified that he had tried to use his father’s car and that he had been drinking the night before. This was before cameras were required to be installed on the interlock devices. The client was able to prove that he was not the person who provided those positive breath samples.
Result: The original Department of State action of revocation was modified and his restricted license was approved.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2013 after 3 DUI convictions. Client also had a history of drug use and addiction to prescription pills. Client had been in rehab and was seriously dedicated to living a sober life. He completely turned his life around and was ready to get his driving privileges restored. In 2018, we were able to provide proof of his sobriety from alcohol and all substances. His substance evaluation gave him a good prognosis for abstinence in the future and he had corroborating letters of support.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
restricted License / ignition interlock
Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device in 2018. He had been sober since 2013 and not once had he provided a positive breath sample into the interlock device. In spring of 2019, he was pulled over and to his surprise the cop told him that his license was revoked. He was arrested for driving on a revoked license. He contacted me and we were able to find out that the State took his license after an interlock violation. The client had never received notice of the violation in the mail. We were able to get a plea deal on the driving on revoked ticket so he didn’t suffer the 1-year revocation period. We were able request a hearing on the interlock violation and prove that it was not the result of the client consuming alcohol.
Result: The original Department of State action of revocation was modified and his restricted license was approved.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2005 after 2 DUI convictions. Client had been eligible to apply, but kept putting it off. That is until he was side-swiped by another vehicle and although the accident was not his fault, he was the one without a license and was arrested for driving on a revoked license. We were able to get a plea deal with the city so the ticket didn’t abstract to the client’s driving record and invoke the mandatory 1-year revocation. We were immediately able to apply for a hearing to ask for driving privileges. The client had been sober since his last arrest in 2005 and provided evidence in support of that.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2009 after 3 DUI convictions. Client also had 2 MIPs from when he was younger and experimented with marijuana. Client attended AA and outpatient following his last conviction, but no longer attends AA as he found that he has a strong support system in his family and friends and no longer needed the program. The client was able to provide evidence to support his sobriety from alcohol and marijuana.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2009 after 2 DUI convictions. He smoked marijuana from age 18-23 but was sober from both alcohol and marijuana since his 2009 arrest. The client had moved out of Michigan in 2017 and was unable to obtain a North Carolina license because of the “hold” Michigan had on his license. For this case, we prepared all of the required documentation and submitted proof of his out-of-state residency and asked for an administrative review, or in other words, an “appeal by mail.” In response, we received a letter from the State stating we had 2 options: we could come in for a hearing or we could wait one year and request another administrative review. My client bought a plane ticket and we went in for a hearing, where he was able to testify to his sobriety.
Result: Client was granted clearance of his Michigan license and was able to obtain a North Carolina license.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2006 after 4 DUI convictions. He also had a drug crime in 2006 and battled depression. Since 2006, this client had completely turned his life around. He received the treatment he needed for his addiction and depression. He is vested in AA and working the program with a sponsor. Through sobriety, he has been able to gain and maintain full time employment and support his family. He knows that his sobriety must come first in life and he has no plan to return to alcohol of drugs in the future. Through his testimony and supporting documentation, he was able to prove that his alcohol and drug problems are under control and likely to remain under control.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2012 after 3 DUI convictions. Client recognized after her last arrest that she needed to give up alcohol for good. While she did attend AA during probation on her last conviction, she since developed a strong support system in her family and friends and no longer attended AA. She waited the 5-year revocation period required after 3 or more DUI convictions and during that time, she focused on her sobriety and getting her life on track.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2017 after 2 DUI convictions. He hired an attorney to represent him before the Secretary of State and lost. He came to me and we appealed the Secretary of State’s decision and won. He was granted a restricted license with an interlock through the Wayne County Circuit Court. 1 year later, we applied for full privileges.
Result: Client was granted a full license.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2015 after 2 DUI convictions. Client smoke marijuana when he was younger but had been sober from both alcohol and marijuana following his 2015 arrest. He regularly attended AA and had no desire to ever drink or use marijuana in the future. This client received an excellent prognosis from his substance use evaluation and we were able to prove that his alcohol and marijuana use were under control and likely to remain under control.
Result: Client was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2008 after 2 DUI convictions. She attended a license appeal hearing in 2016 with another attorney and was denied. She came to me and we appealed the Secretary of State’s decision and won. She was granted a restricted license with an interlock through the Oakland County Circuit Court. 1 year later, we applied back to the Secretary of State for full privileges. At the hearing, the client testified about her journey and how sobriety has changed her life. Prior to becoming sober, she was in an abusive relationship and lost the trust of her family as a result of her addiction. Today, she is sober and giving back to the AA community through sponsoring young women facing similar obstacles.
Result: Client was granted a full license.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2007 after 3 DUI convictions. She continued to drive without a license and was convicted for driving on a revoked license in 2010. If a person is convicted of driving on a revoked license, a mandatory revocation period is added. In this case, because it was 3 or more DUI in a 10-year period, she had to wait an additional 5 years before she could apply for driving privileges. Eventually, this client moved out of Michigan. Although she said she wanted to “get away from her problems in Michigan,” it’s not that easy. Michigan still had a “hold” on her driver’s license. Since leaving Michigan, the client had turned her life around. She finished college and had a great career. She was sober and just wanted to be able to drive. We prepared her application and the required documents. We supplied evidence of her college degree and her new job. She also just purchased a home, so we included that too. We wanted to show the State how much she has accomplished since becoming sober. Our administrative review was granted.
Result: Client was granted clearance of her Michigan license and was able to obtain an out-of-state license.
restricted License / ignition interlock
Client was granted a restricted license with a breath alcohol ignition interlock device in 2018. He and his wife had a disagreement and he slept in his car overnight. Because it was the middle of winter, he kept his car running. During the night, the interlock device requested a rolling retest over 80 times and he slept through each request! Since the interlock devices are now equipped with cameras, each time the retest was requested it took a picture of his sleeping in his car. At the interlock violation hearing, we were able to show that just prior to him falling asleep (and over the course of the entire day), he had provided all negative breath samples into the device. He testified that he is a very sound sleeper and did not hear the device beep when requesting the rolling retest. Upon waking up, he provided a negative breath sample into the device. The hearing officer, determined that the violation was as innocent as it sounded and was not the result of him consuming any alcohol or drugs.
Result: The original Department of State action of revocation was modified and his restricted license was approved.
Revoked License / multiple DUI Convictions
Client’s license was revoked in 2010 after 2 DUI convictions. At the hearing, the client testified that he had been sober since his last arrest in 2010 and had never tried drugs of any kind. Following the hearing he was granted a restricted license with breath alcohol ignition interlock device. He drove with the interlock for over 365 days without any issues and we applied for a full hearing to request that the interlock be removed. Client was still sober, had never provided a positive breath sample on the interlock device and provided all required documentation.
Result: Client was granted a full license.