Kristy M. Broadrick


One of the more debilitating penalties that can come with a criminal conviction arising from the operation of a motor vehicle, is the revocation or suspension of your driver’s license and loss of your driving privileges. At Driver’s License Restore we understand the hardships that this can have on your life. Not having a driver’s license can threaten your employment, your finances, and ultimately your future. 

The majority of our clients have lost their driving privileges after two or more drinking and driving offenses and are waiting out the mandatory revocation period. While clients eagerly await the end of their revocation period, they often find the prospect of getting their driving privileges restored an overwhelming undertaking. They may have heard stories of people being turned down repeatedly or may have even been turned down previously without understanding why.  

In truth, license restoration is a very complicated area of the law and most attorneys have a limited understanding of Michigan Driver’s License Restoration Guidelines and the requirements necessary to successfully restore driving privileges. At Driver’s License Restore, we specialize in Michigan driver’s license restoration. We are here to eliminate that overwhelming feeling and guide you through the process with ease.

Attorney Kristy Broadrick has been dedicated to helping people get their driver's license restored since 2015. Kristy is a licensed Michigan attorney as well as a registered patent practitioner. She received a B.S. in Biochemistry/Toxicology from Eastern Michigan University; a M.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Wayne State University and a J.D. from Charlotte School of Law in North Carolina. With her scientific background she understands the technical side of the testing instruments and methods utilized by the State better than most. This allows her to effectively defend against the improper use and application of these tests against her clients during court proceedings. Kristy has successfully represented hundreds of clients seeking driver’s license reinstatement. She is an expert in Michigan Driver’s License Restoration and truly cares about her clients. She genuinely wants to assist, those who are eligible, with understanding the Michigan Driver’s License guidelines and how the driver’s license restoration process works, so they can get back on the road and regain their life.

“The majority of my clients come to me after being eligible to apply for their license for years. They are sober from alcohol and/or drugs, but have been too overwhelmed by the driver’s license restoration process and don’t know where to start. Following our hearings, I hear the same thing over and over, “I wish I wouldn’t have waited so long! You made the whole process so easy.” At the end of the day, I want to produce the best outcome possible for my clients and that begins with understanding the guidelines and requirements necessary to prove to the State that you should be entrusted with driving privileges. In the State of Michigan, you are only eligible to have one hearing each year so it is critical that you hire an attorney who specializes in driver’s license restoration, and has the experience to help you prepare the best case possible.”

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kristy M. Broadrick, Esq.